Eating healthy foods is, in my opinion, the single most important action you can take to ensure your good health. There are many things that are the cause of ill health. And there are many actions you can take to prevent these harming you. But nothing as important as eating the right foods.
As we enter what many call the silly season, where most bow to the demands of corporate sales pitch, this vital health-giving action slides into oblivion. To be replaced by eating to appease family members, to blend in with everyone else, to be ‘normal’, not to be a killjoy.
Can me a cynic if you will, but Christmas has long lost any degree of its origin meaning. It’s great to have a holiday, but at what cost? What is being celebrated?
Since this blog is about health, I’ll try to stick to that, although I’m tempted to expand…when people buy things they can’t afford, for people who don’t want them, that ruins the environment in their creation, and further devastates it when they are discarded, often only days later… (sorry, I couldn’t resist).
Christmas fare is full of unhealthy foods, foods that cause allergies to many, that bring sluggishness soon after consumption, that contribute to ill health. You may be asking what does the difference of a day make? Maybe not much, but it is rarely just a day.
The whole concept of over-eating, of eating foods that don’t nurture good health, of eating simply to appease family members, puts us in the wrong frame of mind that lasts a lot longer than a single day.
Quite apart from the discomfort of over-eating, the hangovers from over-drinking, the typical western diet does not nurture good health.
Eating healthy food is not the norm, sadly. Here are some foods that you will probably be consuming which do not contribute to good health.
Animal protein – turkey and ham are high on the list of many people’s festive food – as well as milk, contribute to chronic disease, osteoporosis and energy drain.
Pfuff, I hear you scoff, what about protein?
According to T Colin Campbell, a nutrition researcher (PhD) on a global level and author of The China Study, humans need 10% protein. More than that leads to chronic disease in all its forms. Plants contain 10% protein.
Well, what about calcium, you persist? We all need milk, for the calcium.
Calcium is found in green leafy vegetables in abundance and is far more easily digested than milk and dairy, which is indigestible.
Sugar, white flour, pasta, packet and processed foods are increasingly part of everyday cuisine, if you can call it that. These ‘foods’ leads to chronic disease with all manner of mental disorders.
The desperate lack of fresh fruit and vegetables in the typical western diet leads to many mental disorders, that disappear instantly when a different diet is adopted. The vitamin Bs, so abundant in fresh produce, can prevent depression and mental disorders.
You are reading this blog because you care about your health. I ask you to indulge yourself in a little education. The Miracle of Greens by Seigei Boutenko is an amazing fund of all health giving food. If you make new year resolutions, make this one – that you are going to make a difference in your diet, that you are going to start eating healthy food.
At the very least, try it for a month and see if it makes a difference. Make notes before you start, about your health, your energy, your drug dependance, your sleep, your emotions. Then check them a month later.