Help Options/Bookings

Book a Complimentary Chat

A complimentary, preliminary, 15 min, no pressure, exploratory chat to get a feel for each other. (This is NOT a consultation.)
Please be respectful of my time, given freely.

Initial Consultation

If you’re ready to begin working with me, start here. You’ll be asked to fill out a questionnaire/Intake Form, then you’ll be directed to a calendar to choose a convenient date and time. Check out Working Together below for prices and details.

Follow Up Consultations

If you’ve already had the initial consultation and would like to follow that up, use the button below. (PLEASE don’t use it for your first consultation.)

NB. As long as your device is set to your current time, the times on the booking calendar will automatically adjust to it.

Working Together

If this is your first visit to a homeopath, it’s important to understand the difference between homeopathy and medicine, so you appreciate what you are getting. Otherwise, you’ll be comparing apples with oranges, as the saying goes!

Homeopathic health care, coupled with the right diet, is highly likely to prevent the need for recurring GP visits, with all the attendant tests and drugs. This means that it is an investment.

In general, homeopaths don’t rely on medical tests or diagnoses as these can be unreliable (MDs know this, but it’s all they have). Instead, we rely on the patient’s symptoms, be they physical, emotional and/or mental. It takes time to gather all the subtle signs and symptoms.

The consultation fee includes the consultation and regular quick check-ins (by phone or e-mail) between consultations. I’ll be there to make sure you’re heading in the right direction, and if you have any questions about the treatment. The homeopathic remedy prescribed will be a fraction of the cost of a prescription medicine. (You can buy these from me or online from a provider of your choice).

Sometimes, a one-time consultation is all you need, especially if the condition is an acute one. This can save you thousands of dollars and prevent future health issues.

However, for the serious, chronic and auto-immune conditions, several consultations are more common in order to achieve complete healing. These are spaced out, normally from every 4 – 8 weeks in the early months depending on the severity of the problem.

The idea behind good homeopathic treatment is to heal the TENDENCY to become ill. This means, that in the early months, you are probably going to need a lot of support. Once this tendency has been healed, there is likely to be little or no need for this. Perhaps the odd consultation may be needed for an emergency or a rare acute condition.

Consultation Fees

The initial consultation fee for anyone over 10 years of age is Aus$235.
Allow 1.5 – 2 hours.

The follow up consultation fee is Aus$160. Allow 1 hour.

This is also the initial consultation fee for those 10 and under.

(You can use this currency converter.)

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From my parent business Two Legs and Four Holistic Health

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