![worldofhom - Perth Homeopath the world of homeopathy is extraordinary](https://perthhomeopath.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/worldofhom-150x150.jpg)
Homeopathy is an extraordinary discipline of medicine. Untreatable and incurable diseases can be successfully treated. Miracles occur every day. Problems disappear so easily, you can be forgiven for wondering if there was ever a problem.
Homeopathy is only extraordinary when you compare it with the current system of medicine. But why shouldn’t there be a system of health care that CAN make radical changes? We are constrained by our previous experiences. But we don’t have to be.
Homeopathy is a system of medicine which translates as ‘similar suffering’. This means that a substance that can create a problem, can also cure that problem.
For example, Apis is made from the honey bee. We all know that when we are stung by a bee, we get red, shiny, hard swellings that sting. By giving Apis to someone who has such a swelling, whether or not caused by a bee sting, the problem is resolved, usually rather quickly.
Another common example is coffee. Some people are so affected by coffee causing them sleepless nights, they won’t have any after a certain time of day. But the homeopathic form, Coffea, will send them to sleep.
When the symptoms of the problem (such as red, shiny, hard swellings that sting) are perfectly matched, you don’t even have to have the remedy in its typical energetic form that is homeopathic. For example, a cup of coffee can provide a good night’s sleep to someone who has the same symptoms.
Current medical practice is based on what Hippocrates called ‘the contraries’ or the opposites – those substances that cause the opposite effect to that which you are suffering. For example, a sleeping pill is aimed at drugging you, quite the opposite of Coffea. The trouble with this system is that the problem tends to get worse over time.
Although the present form of homeopathy is around 200 years old, its origins go back over 2,000 years. Hippocrates was the first recorded person to have discovered this idea. He understood the idea of opposites.
Hahnemann was a German scholar and doctor, a deep thinker and a man of strong principals. He quickly became dissatisfied with the way medicine treated people and so stopped practicing, very early in his working life.
He stumbled upon the idea of homeopathy when translating medical texts, and tested this theory out on himself first, then his long suffering family and colleagues. He was delighted with the results. He spend the rest of his life perfecting the philosophy of homeopathy, which remains unchanged today.
However, in the intervening years, the number of homeopathic remedies have grown from 100 to well over 4,000 and counting.
Homeopathy doesn’t treat the medical condition, which often has little bearing on the curative remedy selected. Instead it treats you. You only have a medical condition because you are out of balance, your immune system is not functioning as it should.
The problem is not without. It is within. Killing off pathogens is not the answer. The answer lies in making you so healthy, no pathogen has a chance of affecting you. Understanding the immune system is a totally different, but far more effective, way of looking at health.
The curative homeopathic remedy rebalances, restores and effortlessly brings you back to health. Permanently. It works as well on small children, animals and even plants.
Here you can find out more about homeopathy.