The Natural Diet For Humans

There are many ideas about the most natural diet for humans. My approach about diet is that it should match our ancestral diet, it should match what our anatomy and physiology tells us. And above all, it should give us clinical evidence that it does support health and vitality.

As an holistic health practitioner with a love for all animals, I was also interested in the ideal diet for my cats, dogs and horses.

The Natural Cats Diet

Using the above criteria was easy for cats. Cats, all over the world, big and small, hunt their local prey. The only difference is the type of prey.

Everyone knows (except perhaps the commercial cat food manufacturers) that cats are true carnivores.

Their anatomy also tells you this is so. They:

  • have spiky teeth to crunch on raw bones
  • they lack a sideways motion of the jaw
  • have short intestines
  • have super strong stomach acid
  • have acidic saliva
  • lack of ptyalin in their saliva
  • lap water rather that suck it up

The Natural Dogs Diet

The diet of dogs is similar to cats, but rather than all  being obligate carnivores, some are at the carnivore end of the omnivore scale. They do eat plant based food, when their prey migrate to warmer climes.

The dogs don't migrate with their prey, so they are often left with little prey to catch. They have to fall back on small prey, but also the local vegetation, such as roots and fruit.

Tropical and sub-tropical canines don't have this problem.

Canine anatomy is similar to the feline anatomy, with some variations.

The Natural Horses Diet

We know horses are herbivores and thrive on a diet of green grass and other plants. Their anatomy matches this. 

Looking For Evidence of the Natural Human Diet

Humans have traditionally lived all over the world. So looking for indications here, didn't yield the same results.  People had to adapt to the local conditions, to what was available.

For example, the natural diets of those in very cold or very hot climates had to include animal meat as there are short growing seasons. Staying alive was the main priority.

The natural diets of those who live in temperate or tropical areas are different. In temperate regions, there is a longer growing season. so many plants mature to give food that can be stored for the non productive periods, such as winter.

In tropical areas, there was always an abundance of natural food pretty much all year round,. Picking fruit is one of the easiest way to harvest food.

What Anatomy and Physiology Tells Us About Appropriate Diets For Us

This free ebook goes into the details of what anatomy and physiology tells us about the diet we evolved on.

What About Clinical Evidence?

T Colin Campbell did his research with cancer, which could be argued as the pinnacle of poor health. In anyone.

His research was with the effect of a high protein diet (16%) versus a low one (11%).on cancer.

He discovered that the high protein diet allowed cancer to grow, whereas the low protein diet allowed it to die.

He has attracted many supporters in health care, among them medical doctors and nutritionalists

MDs tend to have a large patient base,. This means they can see results from any recommendations they make.

You can find Campbell's supporters on the Other Resources page,. Discover for yourself what diet they recommend to their patients and the results they see.

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From my parent business Two Legs and Four Holistic Health

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