This quality Helios 36 basic remedy collection contains common medicines to get you started on your exciting home prescribing journey.
They are presented in a blue, hinged, snap-shut, plastic box 14 x 10 x 4 cm. Medicines are in pillule form. The clear glass vials are 2 ml. Small and compact. You can take it anywhere.
Comes with a booklet of instructions.
The Two Legs and Four 10 remedy collection is made in house. It contains 10 common homeopathic home prescribing medicines. They come in an attractive and secure black vinyl zipped case.
The default is general first aid and common ailments, but can be purpose made to your requirements (such as summer ailments, winter ailments, sports injury, pregnancy, birthing, baby, travel, hay fever, emergency).
Medicines are in pillule form, The vials are 5ml clear glass.
Instructions are included.
(For existing patients only.)
The Two Legs and Four 22 remedy collection is made in house. It contains 22 common homeopathic home prescribing medicines. They come in an attractive and secure black vinyl zipped case.
The default is general first aid and common ailments, but can also be purpose made to your own requirements.
Medicines are in pillule form. They come in 5ml clear glass vials.
Instructions are included.
(For existing patients only.)
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From my parent business Two Legs and Four Holistic Health
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