Today’s guest author comes from India. Jagannath Chatterjee writes about the many aspects of vaccinations that parents may like to consider before embarking on that course of action. You can view the original article by clicking on the linked title below.
45 Reasons to Protect Infants from Vaccines
1. There is no scientific study to determine whether vaccines have really prevented diseases. Rather disease graphs show vaccines have been introduced at the far end of epidemics when the disease was already in its last stages. In case of Small Pox the vaccine actually caused a great spurt in the incidence of disease before public outcry led to its withdrawal.
2. There are no long-term studies on vaccine safety. Very short-term tests are carried out where the vaccinated subjects are checked against another group who are given another vaccine. Technically the tests should be carried out against a non-vaccinated group. No one really knows what protocols are followed at such industry-sponsored trials.
3. There has never been any attempt to compare a vaccinated population against a non vaccinated population, to know what vaccines are doing to the children and the society. Independent studies have revealed that vaccinated children suffer much more than their unvaccinated counterparts.
4. The child receives not one but many vaccines. There are no tests to determine the effects of multiple vaccines.
5. There is no scientific basis for vaccinating infants. As per senior doctors quoted by the Times of India, “Children suffer from less than 2% of vaccine preventable illnesses, but 100% of the vaccines are targeted towards them.” The vaccine pioneers who have recommended abundant caution before vaccinating the population have never advocated mass vaccinations.
6. Children are vaccinated simply because parents can be frightened into forcefully vaccinating their children. Vaccinating infants is the most profitable business both for the manufacturers as well as the doctors.
7. Infants, for whom it is advised to only have mother’s milk till the age of six months and beyond, because their fragile system will not tolerate anything else, are given 30 extremely toxic vaccine shots, an act that defies both logic and science.
8. The Government of India has come out with a quarter page advertisement in The Hindu, warning parents not to vaccinate beyond the Government approved vaccines. Parents have been advised against vaccinating in private clinics and hospitals.
9. The Orissa Chapter of the Indian Association of Pediatricians has admitted in a letter to the CM, Orissa, that private clinics and hospitals are ill equipped to store vaccines and warned parents not to vaccinate upon the advice of private practitioners and hospitals.
11. Vaccines contain heavy metals, cancer causing substances, toxic chemicals, live and genetically modified viruses, contaminated serum containing animal viruses and foreign genetic material, extremely toxic de-contaminants and adjuvants, untested antibiotics, none of which can be injected without causing harm.
12. The mercury, aluminum and live viruses in vaccines may be behind the huge epidemic of autism (1 in 10 worldwide as per doctors in the USA), a fact that (vaccines cause autism) has been admitted by the US Vaccine Court.
13. The CDC of USA, the vaccine watchdog, has publicly admitted that its much-publicized 2003 study denying any link between vaccines and autism, is flawed. The Chief of CDC Dr Gerberding has confessed to the media (CNN) that vaccines can cause “autism like symptoms”. The Autism epidemic is found only in those countries that have allowed mass vaccinations.
14. In the year 1999, the US Government instructed vaccine manufacturers to remove mercury from vaccines “with immediate effect”. But mercury still remains a part of many vaccines. The vaccines with mercury were never recalled and were given to children up to the year 2006. “Mercury free” vaccines contain 0.05mcg of mercury, enough to permanently damage an infant.
15. In India no attempt has been made to ensure that mercury and other heavy metals are removed from vaccines, simply because it would make vaccines costlier.
16. In a reply to then President Sri Abdul Kalam, the Health Ministry stated “Mercury is required to make the vaccines safe”. To the author’s query that “What are these vaccines that it requires the second most dangerous neurotoxin, mercury, to make them safe?”, there was no reply.
17. Mercury used in vaccines is second in toxicity only to the radioactive substance Uranium. It is a neurotoxin that can damage the entire nervous system of the infant in no time.
18. Mercury accumulates in fat. The brain being made entirely of fat cells, most of the mercury accumulates there giving rise to the peculiar symptoms of autistic children.
19. The mercury used in vaccines is ethyl mercury. According to Indian doctors this is 1000 times more toxic than the usual methyl mercury.
20. The aluminum present in vaccines makes the mercury, in any form, 100 times more toxic.
21. As per an independent study aluminum and formaldehyde present in vaccines can increase the toxicity of mercury, in any form, by 1000 times.
22. As per a Tehelka article on Autism, children are receiving 250 times more mercury through vaccines than they can possibly tolerate. The same article states that if one considers the WHO limit for mercury in water, they are receiving 50,000 times the limit. The limits set, incidentally, are for adults and not infants.
23. Autism in India has emerged as the most rapidly growing epidemic amongst children. From 1 in 500 it has steadily climbed to 1 in 37 today, as per a private study. Indian doctors say, “You can go to any class of any school today and find an autistic child.”
24. Autism is a permanent disability that affects the child physically, mentally and emotionally. It makes the child loose social contact. It impedes both the physical and mental growth of the child. It destroys the brain causing severe memory and attention problems. According to vaccine researcher Dr. Harris Coulter, vaccines cause children to become perverts and criminals. Vaccines can cause more harm than even the medical community privately acknowledges.
25. Autistic children also suffer from severe bowel disorders. As per Dr. Andrew Wakefield, this is due to the vaccine strain of live measles virus in the MMR vaccine.
26. The DPT also causes children to regress giving rise to fears that multiple live virus vaccines are an important cause of autism. If three live viruses can cause so much harm we can well imagine what today’s five and seven virus vaccines will do to children.
27. Before the autism epidemic, it was already well known that vaccines have caused the cancer epidemic in today’s society. Both the Small Pox and the Oral Polio Vaccine are made from monkey serum. This serum has helped many cancer causing monkey viruses, 60 found so far (SV 1 to SV60), to enter the human blood stream. As per recent revelations these viruses continue to be in the vaccines.
28. It is also known that it is the use of green monkey serum in vaccines that has led to the transfer of the Simian Immune deficiency Virus (SIV) from monkeys into humans. The SIV and the HIV that causes AIDS are very similar.
29. A blood cancer in infants (Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia) that is affecting children by the thousands is also primarily due to the extremely toxic nature of vaccine ingredients.
30. Infantile jaundice and also infantile diabetes are also scientifically connected to the toxic vaccines.
31. The live polio viruses used in the Oral Polio Vaccine has caused Vaccine Attributed Paralytic Polio in more than 65,000 children according to doctors of the Indian Medical Association. In the USA this vaccine has caused polio 16 years after administration. The OPV has also let loose a new strain of polio in both India and Africa. The OPV is banned in other countries.
32. Vaccines contain serum, not just from chimpanzees and monkeys, but also from cows, pigs, chickens, eggs, horses, and even human serum and tissues extracted from aborted fetuses.
33. Death and permanent disability from vaccines is very common and known by the medical community. Doctors are instructed by the Government to keep quiet and not to associate such cases with vaccines.
34. Many doctors argue that diseases during childhood are due to the body exercising its immune system. Suppressing these diseases causes the immune system to remain undeveloped causing the various autoimmune disorders like diabetes and arthritis that have become epidemics today.
35. Vaccines suppress the natural immunity and the body does not have natural antibodies anymore. The mother’s milk therefore does not contain natural antibodies and can no longer protect the child against illnesses.
36. In the USA vaccine adverse effects are recorded and the Government offers compensation of millions of dollars to victims (the most recent case in its Vaccine Court may have received up to $200 million in damages). The Indian Government simply refuses to acknowledge that vaccines can cause death and permanent disability.
37. It has been scientifically proven that vaccines cannot prevent disease. Vaccines try to create humoral (blood related immunity) whereas it has been found that immunity is developed at various levels, humoral as well as cellular. We still do not know enough about the human immune system and therefore should not interfere with it.
38. In the USA parents are informed about vaccine after effects and their consent has to be taken before vaccinating their children. In India the Government assures the population through massive advertising campaigns that vaccines are extremely safe. Parents refusing to vaccinate are threatened by the administration.
39. THERE IS NO SYSTEM OF TREATMENT TO TREAT A VACCINE DAMAGED CHILD. The parents have to run from one hospital to another. The Government turns a blind eye and refuses to even acknowledge the vaccine connection.
40. Senior medical doctors have challenged even the vaccines recommended by the Government of India. The BCG vaccine for tuberculosis has been extensively tested in India as long ago as 1961 and found to be totally ineffective. The OPV is causing polio and other neurological and intestinal disorders in tens of thousands of Indian children. The Hep-B vaccine introduced recently is not meant for children at all, it is a vaccine for a sexually transmitted disease that should be targeted only at promiscuous adults. The tetanus vaccine contains both aluminum and mercury besides the tetanus toxoid. The doctors themselves avoid giving the DPT to their children and relatives as it is one of the most toxic vaccines ever devised. The measles vaccine is a vaccine that regularly causes severe adverse effects and the health workers want it out.
41. Pediatricians are introducing dubious vaccines in India, which are being opposed by doctors, politicians and the public in American and European countries. The Rotavirus vaccine, Hib vaccine, HPV vaccine and the various multi virus vaccines being introduced without any kind of testing is only because the vaccine manufacturers and the doctors administering them want to ensure a good income from them. They care two hoots about medical ethics and the fate of the children who will receive these vaccines. Vaccines containing nano particles and viruses and also plant based genetically modified vaccines are being opposed by honest doctors worldwide.
42. Vaccines, being a mass medical program which is accepted without question, becomes the perfect launching pad for bioterrorism. The powerful countries can spread lethal epidemics by just polluting the vaccines with bio warfare agents. The USA has handed over vaccine research to a bioterrorism research unit called the BARDA which functions under the Pentagon. A warning to this effect has been sounded by the Vice President IAP in a letter to the DGHS.
43. Vaccines have also been used to ensure population control. The tetanus vaccine has been used in many Asian countries to make the female population sterile. This was done by introducing a hormone that by inducing antibodies would abort the foetus when it is formed. In India, Saheli, a NGO fighting for the rights of women filed a PIL against this when the fact surfaced. Mercury, a part of vaccines, is known to interfere with the endocrine system and induce sterility in both males and females.
44. Through a new Public Health Bill that is being drafted the Government of India is planning to introduce forced vaccinations and threatens anti-vaccination activists with steep fines and jail terms. This is obviously at the instigation of foreign (read US) vaccine giants who are shifting their base to India, reeling at the tremendous opposition to vaccines in the US and European countries. The Government of India is planning a “vaccine park” at Chennai where these vaccine MNCs will set up base. This itself is an act of bioterrorism which ironically the proposed bill seeks to oppose.
45. As per the IOM, USA, vaccine research for a probable link between vaccines and autism should not be conducted. The Institute of Medicine in its last report on vaccines and autism in 2004 said that more research on the vaccine question is counterproductive: Finding a susceptibility to this risk in some infants would call into question the universal vaccination strategy that is a bedrock of immunization programs and could lead to widespread rejection of vaccines. The IOM concluded that efforts to find a link between vaccines and autism “must be balanced against the broader benefit of the current vaccine program for all children. What does this add up to? Infants should be sacrificed in order to perpetuate an unscientific procedure?
Jagannath Chatterjee
Health & Human Rights Activist,
Member: MANITHAM, Chennai,
Loksatta, Maharashtra/Hyderabad,
India Force (State Head),
Governing Body Member: Coalition for GM Free India,
Actively involved with: Coalition for GM Free Orissa,
Coalition for Food Safety & Sovereignty,
Pesticide Action Network,
Centre for Sustainable Agriculture,
Trained by : Pesticide Action Network, Asia Pacific,
Centre for Sustainable Agriculture.
“One vaccine decreases cell-mediated immunity by 50%, two vaccines by 70%. All triple vaccines (MMR, DTP) markedly impair cell-mediated immunity, which predisposes to recurrent viral infections”
Dr. H. H. Fudenberg, world renowned immunologist.
Editor’s note. Rather than think of specific diseases, it is better to consider the health of the immune system. With that in good working order, good health is inevitable. Homeopathy works by ensuring the immune system is working at its best.