The most common shoulder injuries tend to involve tendon or ligament injury. Names that indicate these problems include frozen shoulder, rotator cuff tear and bursitis. Sport injuries are probably the leading cause of these conditions, but falling heavily can also cause them.
Frozen shoulder, also known as adhesive capsulitis, is when the sac of ligaments surrounding the shoulder joint stiffens, swells and becomes inflamed.
Rotator cuff tear is when a tendon tears, in one or more places, which are attached to the rotator cuff muscles.
Bursitis is the inflammation of a bursa, which is a small fluid-filled sac that functions to reduce friction between moving parts of the body. The major bursas are located at the large joints – shoulder, knee, elbows, hips, but there are many others.
Typical symptoms of these conditions involve pain, either constantly or when moving the arm. There may also be heat, swelling and weakness.
Other common shoulder injuries include dislocation of the joint, with bone damage to the joint being more rare.
Tendons and ligaments are notoriously slow to heal, where ever they are. Often there is little pain, except on movement. Then the intensity of the pain limits movement. Resting on the part, here the shoulder such as during sleep, can also be painful.
The medical options include anti-inflammatory drugs, cortisone injections and surgery. These involve risk and further damage. But perhaps the most limiting factors of surgery, apart from the cost, is the recovery time. Normally, you are not permitted to drive and you can be off work for many months.
Maybe these problems don’t worry those with good health insurance cover, or those who live within a supportive family and have an understanding boss.
Anita had none of these things. She lived alone, had no healthy insurance and drove for a living. A variety of mishaps over the last few years had left her with little in the way of fall back cash. She simply couldn’t afford to be off work for weeks, let alone months. But she was in a lot of pain with her shoulder injury. What to do?
Luckily, one of her friends suggested she might like to come and see me, as she had experienced good results from working with me.
In the first days following the first consultation, Anita found she could move her arm with much less pain and was able to increase the range of movement. She could also lie on that side of her body, which was her favourite sleeping position, so she was sleeping better.
This is always a good sign, when everything starts coming together, quickly.
This great start to her condition continued and after three months, she had only residual pain in her shoulder, which caused her no discomfort. During all that time, she had been able to drive normally. She had been gradually increasing the amount of work which involved her injured arm. She listened to her body and stopped when it told her to, so didn’t overtax the healing.
She still has a little way to go to feel it is 100% better, but she is thrilled with her progress this far.
This scenario is so common with homeopathic treatment, we often forget how limiting the alternatives are.
Common shoulder injuries can be almost effortlessly repaired with good homeopathic treatment. Let me help you.